After two series where PZRacing was present with the products of data acquisition in the “Sfida da bar” program where we saw “improvised” riders compete on circuits Lombardore and San Martino del Lago now be in the “SFIDA DA BAR – COSTRUZIONE DI UNA SPECIAL” Monday, December 21 at 21.00 on AutomotoTV channel 148 of SKY.
Start NEXT, Box expander 3 and Light Tronic will frame at the creation of a bike SUZUKI RGV 250 with Suzuki SV650 engine that will have as instrumentation PZRacing.
From now AutomotoTV will be visible on the web on the official website
Replicas program: Wednesday, 19:30 and 23.30, Thursday 18.30, 16.30 and Saturday 22, Sunday 4.30 and 22.30
AutomotoTV site:
Stumentazione PZRacing:
Start next:
Box Expander 3:
Light tronic: